Our company was founded in 1990 and from its inception has been engaged in the production of the legendary Kuznetsov acupressure mat, well-known in the former Soviet Union. This device, designed for self-relief from back pain, has helped millions of people to quickly relieve discomfort.
The classic applicator consists of a linen mat measuring 68 × 38 cm with 3,696 modules equipped with needles. The number of modules, number of needles, and their sharpness were carefully calculated and tested in various medical institutions to ensure optimal effectiveness. The term “applicator” comes from the combination of the words “needle” and “application.”
Our production began with the classic applicator, supported and recommended by Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov himself, who personally came to Slovakia for consultations. The product was immediately well-received and quickly gained popularity due to its effectiveness and ease of use. At the peak of its popularity, the company processed approximately 1,500 orders daily from various regions of former Czechoslovakia.
With the growing success of the applicator in the market, our company developed and patented new types of applicators adapted for different body parts and functions. In 1993, we began producing soft applicators with foam inserts, inflatable back applicators, lumbar pneumatic applicators, as well as applicators for knees, elbows, and other areas. We also started supplying our products to Germany in specialized medical stores and to the Institute of Massage in Malmö, Sweden.
As the applicators grew in popularity abroad, the first counterfeits started to appear, attempting to imitate our product. One of the first was the Shaktimat, launched in Sweden in 2009 by former dealers of the Malmö Massage Institute. Later, various Asian companies joined in, modifying the number and sharpness of needles, as well as their density, which significantly reduced the product's effectiveness.
Iplicator is designed for individual use. Its idea finds its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, and can be related to the practice of “MEI HUA CHENG“ also known as “Peking Hammer“. The iplicator brings relief to sufferers of joint, muscle and back pains. It also enhances the body's regeneration and increases vitality. The iplicator releases the body's natural resistance to pain. The range of uses of the iplicator is vast, in both prevention and treatment.